Register Form (USC Students)

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Register Form

Step 1: Account data


Step 2: Which degrees are you doing?

Add your degrees here. Start typing in each box, and a list will appear. (e.g. type 'Computing' or 'Biology'). Add your minor or associate degree as well.

(If the box doesn't automatically appear, JavaScript may not be enabled in your browser. In that case, go the Degree Listing page, copy the name of the degree (and year) from there, and paste in the appropriate box below.)

If you're doing the BSc in Elementary Education (2010), add it as Degree #1; then add your Major (majors start with 'Major, Elementary Education') or 2 Minors (Minors start with 'Minor, Elementary Education') in the Degree #2 and Degree #3 slots, as appropriate.

Step 3: Take a quick survey?

(This survey is optional, but will improve the quality of the UniversityPath service!)

(If you encounter any problems, please send the administrator a quick message!
You can use the link at the bottom of this page.)

Don't forget to check for your confirmation email! Scan your spam/junk mail folder for a couple of days to ensure that you get it, or any other correspondence originating from this site.

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Questions? Comments? Send a quick message here.


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